Beyond the completion of the pergola, there were three major items scheduled for last summer; cleaning and resetting the fill float in the cistern, getting the wood stove installed and the chimney but in and prepping the wood for the dresser construction this winter. I can now same I almost have them done.
We also planned on using it to re-fill the hot tub which hadn't had the water changed in almost a year. The last time we re-filled it from the well and due to the alkalinity it seemed that we needed to add allot of chemicals to get everything balanced. Also the ozone generator need to be "re-newed".
Now with a truck tank we could pickup municipal water in Canon to re-fill the hot tub. About getting water in town, that required an inspection that the plumbing used to fill the tank would not allow any backwash and the setting up of a bulk water account with the water department. Water currently costs $6.04 per 1000 gallons and is purchased at a self service station in town.
While it was filling I also installed a tank vent, which we never had and tried to calibrate the very scientifically designed tank gauge sticking through the cover.
I filled it to capacity with ~1200 gallons of bulk water, so that meant that the cistern still had about 500 gallons in it when the work was done (1700-1200=500).
I restarted the well pump and began taking meter readings on the gallons pumped out of the cistern on a daily basis.
There is a stage 1 burning ban going on right now so the stove will not be fired up for a while.
I at least have it straight and plumb.
A CO and fire detector are also on the list for the shop before we really start using it, but it should be better then the propane construction heater used for the last few years.
It hasn't been surfaced or squared up yet which will be a task for after the official start of fall next week.
Also there was a great post on the Hermitage blog concerning building and living in BFE, as Pat P. would say. Here is the link to Leland's Great post .
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