Tuesday, April 18, 2006

We're digging a hole!

Finally, we are going to start work at the site. Today, we let Tim Logsdon at Fremont Concrete know that he can start prepping the site for footings. The foundation contractor (Pat Tomas) is scheduled to start the footing on April 26.

Marlys and I are trying to decided whether we want to get our hands dirty this early in the build by doing the basement waterproofing and installing the french drain. Could be a nice weekend project if works with the schedule and the weather.

I also had a learning opportunity today with the construction insurance (builders risk). I had called my current insurance company back in September, when I was assembling the budget details, answered their questions and was actually quoted a premium price. Yesterday, I called to say start the coverage and was informed that it would need to be reviewed by an underwriter, because of the fire protection coverage. The fire coverage question was not new, since we had gone through this back in September, but it seemed to be a bigger deal this time around.

Here is the learning; Things change, so give yourself time to work through any situation before it becomes a "crisis". I was going to wait until next week to order the porta-potty for the site, but I better get on that now, because I don't want to deal with that type of crisis.


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