Sunday, August 16, 2009

Memorable Meals @ 25th Aniversary Party

Although all of the food during the party weekend was memorable there are a few I would like to mention.
  • The lasagna on Friday night comes to mind, simply because I am still eating it as leftovers for lunch. Even though it was great then, there are some foods that seem to get better as they are re-heated e.g. chili, and this is one. The carbo loading for the coming events also helped. Thank you Stretch.
  • The boil in a bag breakfast on Sunday morning worked on so many levels, if you haven't tried it, you need to find an occasion to. First off, after the late night (or early morning) end to the festivities on Saturday not everyone was on the same schedule e.g. the Gunnison group. So the ability to make a breakfast when you wanted to was great. Then the buffet style setup to pick and choose what you wanted in your omelet allowed for some creativity (or not in my case). Then the conversations it struck up between folks on how to do it and what was going into it seemed like a real nice way to continue the spirit from the day before. Thank you Joy and Tom.
  • Then there was the last meal of the gathering on Sunday night. Ione started prepping for this dish even as the Joy and Tom were putting on the morning event. She seemed to slicing and dicing things forever up in the kitchen. On one of my trips through I asked about the ingredients and then made a snide remark about leaving our the finned and seawater based fare. I was answered with "the look". Later that day I was made to eat my words quite literally, as this was a great dish. Thank you for the piaya (hope its spelled right) Ione, I had seconds...and thirds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pat. Did you forget to mention the awesome pork chops your wife made on Weds night?
I need to talk to her....she spoils you too much with her great cuisine skills and waitress service!