Tuesday, July 06, 2010

FM Antenna & Marlys' Dr. Who Booth Update

During the recent trip to Wisconsin during the stop in with Scott and Barb, I saw that Scott had all sorts of antenna elements in his garage and, me being me, I asked what gives?

Scott told be about how he has been making antennas for use in in the new digital world of over the air TV. If should be noted that TV is a family business for Scott, but the amount of info I was able to wean from him during the course of about an hour helped me with one of the problems I have had in the shop since dropping XM radio, namely how to better draw in a FM signal for 95.5 (remember this) HPHT in Pueblo which is a great oldies station.

The station is close to 50 miles away and there are a couple, if not more intervening mountain ridges. I could kinda of get it, but once I turned on the fluorescent lights in the shop it was gone.

Scott explained what makes up a FM antenna and it is pretty simple, some 300 ohm wire and you are pretty much ready to go. He mention that by adjusting the length of the primary element the antenna could be tuned to a particular frequency. He even gave me some 300 ohm wire to use.

Once back I googled to find out what length was needed for 95.5, and came across this site that explained what Scott had already told me and the formula for tuning the length to match a certain freq: http://www.kgnu.org/ht/helpfm.html#makeantenna .

It works great and I will be moving it to the roof of the shop to improve it even more.

Thanks Scott!

Also the updating of the phone booth for its new mission is complete. Tom's custom TP and sanitizer dispenser from last years anniversary party has been installed and the chemicals put in the toilet.

A few sticker to provide entertainment while sitting and contemplating life have also been added.

I am going to black out at least the lower windows to provide some privacy.

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